Terms of use and privacy


Identifying details

TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL is a cooperative entered in the Central Register of Cooperatives of Catalonia, on page no. SCGN-73. Its registered address is Carrer Grau i Torras 25, 08003 Barcelona, tax no. F08388043.

Validity of the information

Accessing TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL portal and also information about any of its services implies agreement to the conditions set forth in this legal notice. Likewise the information contained in these pages is current at the time of the last update posted. However, information concerning the services offered on this website is for information only and in no way binding.

Intellectual or industrial property

The content of this website is protected by the law on industrial or intellectual property. Therefore, the content, source code, form, design, pages, trademarks, trade names, logos and names of products, applications and tools belong to TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL and their distribution, modification, transmission, copying or any other use thereof must be authorised explicitly by TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL. Users are warned that infringement of the regulations protecting industrial or intellectual property may lead to both possible financial liabilities and the enforcement of criminal liability.


The information contained on this website was current as of its last update and does not represent any binding contractual obligation on TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL, but is provided for information purposes and does not constitute an offer for purchase or sale of any kind of product or service. The date of the last update to any information can be confirmed using the form accessed by clicking on Credits on the website home page.

TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL declines any liability arising from the misuse of the contents of its website and reserves the right to update them, remove them or restrict access either temporarily or permanently without prior notice. Nor does it take liability for any information not produced by the company itself and in particular declines any liability for information contained on websites accessed via links.

Furthermore, TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL accepts no liability for any possible security errors which might result from the use of computers infected with viruses, or for the consequences of malfunctioning of the browser or the use of non-updated versions thereof.

Privacy policy

In accordance with current legislation in the area of data protection, users of the website are informed of the data protection policy so that they can decide expressly, freely and voluntarily whether they wish to supply this organisation with their personal data as required and therefore requested on the website for the purposes of providing the services offered by TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL.

Users must complete the form with truthful, exact, full and up-to-date details. TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL has implemented the data protection security levels required by current legislation to avoid any loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access or other possible risks. TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL further undertakes to meet the obligation of secrecy with regard to the data contained in the automated file, as stipulated in applicable data protection legislation.

The recording of personal data in the event that users subscribe using a form also implies their voluntary agreement to the processing of their personal data by TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL and the companies in its cooperative group, as described on the website, in order to provide the user with the products and services they requested from TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL and for the purpose of being able to send them information related to the organisation’s corporate purpose about matters which might be of interest to them.

The user or their representative may at any time exercise their right to access, rectification, cancellation and objection in accordance with the stipulations of the Spanish data protection act and other applicable regulations, by applying in writing to the party responsible for the file, which is TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL with place of business at Carrer Grau i Torras 25, 08003 Barcelona, attaching proof of the user’s identity, or by writing to the email address protecciodedades@teb.org.


Data protection

In accordance with the stipulations of article 5 of the Spanish data protection act, Organic Law 15/99 of 13th December 1999, you are informed that your personal data form part of a file which is the responsibility of Taller Escola Barcelona, entered in the Central Register of Cooperatives of Catalonia, on page SCGN-73, with tax no. F-08388043.

TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL. Tots els drets reservats.

The purpose of processing your data is to provide you with the services and products you requested or will request from TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA or companies in its group and/or to be able to send you information related to the company’s corporate purpose on matters that might be of interest to you.

You are further informed that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification and objection by writing to TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL. For your convenience, TALLER ESCOLA BARCELONA SCCL offers you the option of exercising the aforesaid rights by email: protecciodedades@teb.org